Tuesday, 13 December 2011


Here are the different stages in which I produced my contents page. I produced my contents page in Quark express. I have experience with using this software from when I produced my pre-lim task of a school magazine contents page. I found it easy to align all of my different sections up and import pictures and text. I think it was hard making sure every detail was precise like the different fonts and font sizes but I managed to complete this.

Stage 1
I started with a blank page in quark express. It is useful in Quark express because it has guidelines and you can import your text so that it sits in the guide lines. This is also good ecause the codes and conventions of a music magazine contents page is that it is normally set up in 2-3 columns.

Stage 2
I next added my contents page title. I used the same font as on my front cover. I made it stretch accross the full length of the page to match my front cover. I had a black background so that it would stand out.

Stage 3
Next I added all of my text. I arranged my text so that it would be in two sections, but in three columns. I placed all of my feature articles on the right hand side column and my reguklar articles on the left two columns underneath where my pictures will go.  I put each page number and articles title in bold so that they would stand out to the reader. I then had a small description of each article underneath the title to intise the reader.  

Stage 4
Next I added my contents page pictures. I chose my picture of up and coming artists and made it the biggest picture on the page. This is because it was a portrate picture so it fitted onto the page well. Then along side this a added a picture of Lykke Li, Danny O'Donoghue and Joey Morton. I chose these pictures because they are my main stories on my fron cover and the live picture of Danny O'Dooghue because I think it will intise the readers.  On the codes and conventions of a music magazine contents page, the main article and picture on the front cover, useually has a partnering picture on the contents page. I also put a small border around each picture to make them stand out and also to seperate them.

Stage 5
This I added the tag line under my contents page title. I made this in italic and in red so it would stand out. I also added the my section dividers which I made in photoshop.  I made each title in a separate document on photoshop and then saved then at JPEG's. I then imported these into quark in a picture box and arranged them between my text. It is useful in quark because you can put a picture between the text and it will fit around the picture. I made four different titles; feature, we love, news and live. I put the stories under neath each title it best suited.

Stage 6
Lastly I added article page numbers to my images and then added my page number, and date. I also added an article title to the image which goes with the 'up and coming artist' article. I used a seperate text box so that I could position it where I liked. I put my article page number in a shadowed effect so that they would stand out to that reader and that they could go straight to that article. I placed my date at the top right hand corner ad this is a code of music magazine contents page.

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