Monday, 3 October 2011


In this lesson we discussed the codes and conventions of a general magazine front cover. We spoke about what every magazines includes. I then expanded what I had learnt in the lesson and produced a list of all of the codes and conventions we discussed in class.


Masthead- The title, fills the full length of the page width in a unique font.

Main Image- One image dominates the cover, usually someone a picture of the person or group who the main story is about.

Main Cover line- Bar the master head, is the largest text on the page and anchors who the main image is. Sub lines give details on what the story is about.

Cover lines- Cover lines frame the main image. These are stories that are inside the magazine and are considers the most interesting to grab the readers attention. Usually a title and the smaller text giving detail on what the article is about.

Colour scheme- Simple colour scheme that runs throughout the front page and contents page. Usually 3-4 colours.

Font- Font usually kept simple and only a different font to make a certain word or article stand out.

Buzzwords- Buzzwords used like, WOW, PLUS or EXCLUSIVE, to grab the readers attention on a certain story. To make them think that if they buy that magazine, they are the only ones who will read that story.

Barcode- On the front cover because there is usually a full page advertisement on the back of a magazine. 

Date and Price- Usually under title. States wether it is a weekly, monthly or fortnightly magazine.


Masthead- Normally on a conents page there is the word 'CONTENTS' which dominated the top half of the page.

Pictures- Contents pages are usually filled with pictures next to details of the article it goes with to grab the readers attention and get them more interested about that article. For example, if someone seen a picture of their favourite band or singer on a contents page they would just want to go straight to that page to read about them.

Headings- Contents pages are always filled with the headings of artciles and usually have a few lines underneath with details about the story.

Website- A website is normally on the contents page or front cover so that readers can read more on stories or read more about the magazine on its webpage.

Columns- A contents page is normally set out in three columns, this is so the page dosent look too cluttered, and easy to follow and read.

Follow up picture- Normally there is a picture to follow up the picture from the front cover.

Quotes- Sometimes content pages have quotes from interviews to grab the readers attention to certain stories.

Regular content- Every magazine has articles which feature in evry magazine for example, horoscopes or an editors letter.

Colour scheme- The colour scheme from the front cover carries on the same colour theme onto the content page.

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