Thursday, 10 November 2011


After planning out my front cover and contents page I conducted out some research to prepare me for my interview. I looked at websites and other interviews to help me how to set up mine.
The band I am going to be interviewing for my double page spead is The Guardians. Guardians are a well know band around the Wirral area, having multipul inbterviews and articles about them. They were currently known as Hippys on the Hill until september this year, so most articles and interviews that I have found in my research are under their previous name.

Searching through the internet I found various interviews and artciles on them. Here are a few amongst many that I thought were the best articles:

Guardians also have pages of there own;

I want my double page spread to consist of one whole page taken up of a picture of the band, then on the opposite page, three columns of text on the interview.

Here is an example of what I want my double page spread to look like. I think that the layout of the cloumns and where the drop quote is positioned looks really intriging and could reflect on my band well. I want my picture to cover one whole page like this double page spread, I also like the idea of a controverisal quote layered onto the picture as it makes the page look more interesting. People will go straight to these quotes as it is the first thing they will see on the page, this should make them more intriged to read the rest of the article.

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